Friday, November 6, 2009

Solving financial crisis through mortgage crisis processing

Financial Crisis has been one major and important topic hitting our TVs and websites every day. All what we’re watching and hearing are facts and regular informations, yet no serious solutions have been elaborated. The US government is standing still , busy with some other unimportant matters which led indirectly to this crisis. Here’s one of some suggestions posted on the internet. The solution should start on an American basis , home prices should raise up. The US government should open its channels for Asians and others to invest in the collapsed US mortgage market so in this way , the author thinks, the market will pick up slowly and the housing recession will be over in a couple of years and the Americans should offer a green card for a foreigner that investment in this market for 10 years for example. This example and solution is not completely ethical , but who knows it can attract foreigners into this sort of business and lift up the American economy and get it back on track.

References :
- How to solve the global financial crisis. (2008, 10 October). Retrieved 06 November ,2009, from

- Image retrieved from :

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